Who is Dave? What is this website about? Don't
I at least get dinner and a movie first? These
questions are asked of me a lot. Let me do my best
to give you a Bio Page to satisfy the seemingly unending
curiosity of my readers.

Dave O'Brien
Born: 5-22-1968
Favorite Food: Wrap it in a tortilla and I will
wrestle it down my well worn gullet.
Status: Sorry ladies, I am married to a wonderful girl who has
the grace of a snowflake, but could drink a rodeo clown
under the table.
Occupation: Network Administrator for the baddest pump
manufacturer in the world. CatPumps - The Pump
with Nine Lives®
Rap Sheet: No convictions, but once I did get a ticket
for having unregistered livestock in my basement
(...long story).
Favorite Rolling Stones Album: Some Girls.
Beverage of Choice: Depending on the season, New Castle
Brown Ale, or hot summer day Grain Belt Premium.
Last Books Read: Flyboys by James Bradley, Foot
Soldier by Roscoe C. Blunt.
Favorite Movies: Godfather 1 and 2, Good Will Hunting,
Jerry McGwire, Shawshank Redemption. Too close to
call a favorite.
Greatest Sports Moment Witnessed (TV): A couple,
Puckett Catch/Homerun Game 6 1991 World Series, Kirk
Gibson game-winning homerun off Dennis Eckersley in Game
1 of the 1988 World Series.
Greatest Sports Moment Witnessed (Live): Fenway
Park, Game 3 2004 American League Wildcard Playoffs,
David Ortiz homers off of Jared Washburn to win the
series and move on to the American League Championship
Favorite Jimmy Buffett Song: That's tough.
Probably "Son of Son of a Sailor", although I am a big
fan of "Honey Do"
Something You Might Not Know About Me: When I
was five, I got pinched for stealing a Plen-T-Pak of
Juicy Fruit gum from Zayre Shopper City. My big
mistake was I wouldn't give any to my sister when she
found out I had it, so she narced me out to my mom who
marched me into the store and made me return it and
apologize. I learned my lesson that day:
Sometimes you have to negotiate away a cut of the loot
to get away with the crime.
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email Dave and I will post the answer. |