Legacy of Jackassary Lives On
A full six plus years after
leaving ADP Hollander for greener greens at the unnamed national
pre-swung golf equipment company, my legacy lives on. I had a good
friend and current employee of the Information Empire Automatic Data
Processing forward an image from some online documentation.
Let me backup. After deciding to leave ADP, I
realized that those who I left behind would miss my special brand of
smart-ass humor and that I had better bury a few well placed "easter-eggs"
on the Intranet site.
These easter eggs were images of the "Dog Balls Button"
from my favorite Onion article. Today, I received a email from
aforementioned friend stating she was asked if this was an apporved part
of the documentation.
You bet your ass it is. Approved by
Figure 1.1 Not exactly the Washington
Monument, the Dog Balls Easter Egg.