Sweet, Sweet Obama Money Puts Local Landscapers Back To Work
      When Area Man Dave O'Brien decided to do some landscaping work this fall, he had no idea he would be getting some help from a family member.  Good old Uncle Sam.
      On the day the landscapers were to begin work, a MN Dot truck showed up and put a big sign in his front yard letting the world know that there was Economic Stimulus money hard at work, right in their own neighborhood.
      "I had no idea this could qualify for Stimulus money. Come to think of it, I didn't even ask for any money from the state or federal government. But before I knew it, two or three checks a day were showing up in my mailbox. $103,000 here $278,000 there... it is really starting to add up."
      It is unclear how Mr. O'Brien's project was submitted for approval or even why it qualifies for Stimulus money.
"I guess it's official that the Democrats are back in charge" Mr. O'Brien added with a wink.


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