Downturn in Economy Felt at Super Bowl Party
The normally wild and extravagant Super Bowl party held at the O'Brien
Household was somewhat subdued this year. The traditional fare of build
your own Nacho Bar, homemade guacamole, meatballs, and those little
weenies wrapped in bacon was replaced with a package of saltine crackers
and a single can of Sharp Cheddar Cheese Whiz.
"Well, even though we didn't put out the spread we normally do, I think
it went OK. Though I think it was a little rude for everyone to leave
before the end of the first half" Dave said idly nibbling on a Triscuit
smeared with mayonnaise. "We didn't even get a chance to break out the
Kool-Aid popsicles I made in ice cube trays". |