Things I Shall Miss About My Thirties
As I turn forty this
month, I thought I would compile a short list of things I will miss
about being 30-something:
- Choosing whether or not to make a
small fart when lifting heavy things

- 6 hour hangover recovery time
- Not checking what is on HBO before
deciding whether or not to have sex
- Not thinking about my 401K
- Worrying about crying baby, rather
than what mouthy pre-teen is up to
- No 'pointer-finger' exams
- High impact sports / activity
- Remembering why I got up and went
into the garage
- Knowing how to set any VCR without
- Not bringing a 'light-jacket'
- Not thinking all music is being
played a little too loud
- Wearing t-shirt and shorts to work
- Not being called 'sir' by punk
behind the counter
- Not being called 'sir' by the
arresting officer
- Fully digesting dairy products
- Caring if I look stupid checking
the mail in nothing but shorts, a winter jacket and flip-flops
- No mandatory
nighttime pee-pee
It was a good run. |