"The Kids
Are All Right"
Fall is in the air, so it must
be School Referendum time! Breath deeply and take in the smells of the
season...the crisp north breeze, wood smoke, and of course the malodorous scent of Minnesota Teachers
Union Bullshit.
Anoka Hennepin School District
#11, Minnesota's largest school district with almost half a billion dollars
budget at their disposal, timely as tick-or-treaters, stand before us with their
goodie bags agape, crying out for more.
If you dare to ask some
tough questions such as:
- What happened to the money from the last levy that was supposed to see
us through?
- Where is all the money
from increased property taxes and new residents?
- How can I believe this will be the last time you ask for more money before
the end of the next bond?
then you clearly hate children and don't care about our future. Not
true. I send my child to public school. I have a stake in the
success of of the district, but I want there to be accountability for the vast
sums of money we give the school district. Prove that you are good
stewards of our trust and our money. Right now, I'm just not feeling it.
The Star Tribune headline sort
of lays out the game plan:
Sizable layoffs, larger class sizes
and higher activity fees are likely consequences. District
officials blame the crunch on rising costs and what they say
is insufficient state funding. October 10,
2007 North Metro Section
Whenever there is a shortfall for whatever reason,
the first weapon used is telling parents that there will be bussing cuts,
cutting of and increased fees for extra curricular activities, and of course
school closings. Things that are sure to get those with children in the
district's attention.
Hey MEA,
I am putting it to you. 75% of the operating budget goes to salaries. Your
union's steadfast refusal to discuss merit pay or give concessions for the
seniority rules insure that this broken system stays broken. But don't
worry too much about it, your $15 doctors office copays are safe. Or maybe
I'm getting the information wrong. Perhaps I need to ask one of your 54
full time lobbyists to explain the situation to me.
DOB 10/11/2007