Bin Ein
One Term Senator!
His European Tour, it's like "Bacos", there not real
bacon bits they just taste that way! He's
President Obama, not President of the United States but
all the same great global travel and gesturing as the
real thing, with none of the responsibility!
have managed to keep my self on the leash during this
endless campaign season, but I can take it no longer!
As I have made clear in the past am a free agent.
I am not bound to any man or party, and yes that does
give me an intellectual and moral sense of superiority in these matters.
I have been watching the Obama
Preemptive Victory Tour of Europe with increasing
nausea. They say that candidates are supposed to
look presidential without acting like a president.
Well Senator, this must be the first time you have
earned a D minus in anything, because you are not
pulling it off.
Standing behind that big fake
Seal of the Office of the President, the Europeans
lapping up every word of it. (Albeit with G.W.
being an easy act to follow)
But man, how those Germans love a
crowded stadium don't they? Whether it is 200,000 cheering
a US Presidential hopeful, to politely listening to a 4
and a half hour speech at a Torchlight Bonfire rally for
the Fuehrer, or attempting to cheer about their racial
superiority to Jesse Owens. Yeah, good times.
As one of the leaders of the
party that controls both houses of Congress, you would
think he might display a hint of guilt surrounding the
failure to do thing one about the primary reason his
Party was sent to Washington: To put an end to the war
in Iraq. No, I guess Change works better on a
bumper sticker than it does on the Senate floor.
Senator Obama, I hope you
realize that there is a serious jump in pay grade from
being one of one hundred to the leader of the free
world. So, before you
take a Victory Lap around the world for an election that
is still three months away, you should remember a few
things. Such as what the olive branch and those
arrows in your fake presidential seal represent.
The friendship of the United States should not be given
idly. Nor should anyone take lightly the meaning
of being an enemy of this great nation.
But, when your selling something
as tangible as Hope and Change, who needs the pesky
realities that make up the world.
DOB 7/28/08 |