Double D
While I am a big fan of boobs,
I have always had a vague sense of unease around breast feeding. It is like I am
intruding on an intimate moment between a mother and child. I think this is a
common deal with men. Maybe men view it as the baby turning something that they
have always perceived as a sexual thing into something wholesome. Or perhaps men
are jealous there is another more utilitarian use for the breast. It is like
they are some kind of Swiss Army Boob. Is there anything these miracles of
nature can’t do?
As long as it is done discreetly, I have no problem with breastfeeding a baby in
public (under age 1, older than that starts to get creepy, but that is for
another opinion piece). Just throw a towel or a woobie over the kid and let them
go to town. Not a huge deal in my book, and I thought this was pretty much the
prevailing sentiment. I guess I was wrong based on the letters that BabyTalk Magazine received after picturing a baby breast feeding on the cover of their
August 2006 issue.
Be honest, you can see more breast on the cover of People magazine some weeks.
It is a beautiful baby, and an equally beautiful side-boob shot (It’s funnier if
you say it like Peter Griffin…"siiiide-boooob" -
Family Guy - Side Boob). I mean come on, is there
anything more innocent and pure than that baby? What a messed up culture we live
in that says Jessica Simpson’s Double Ds on a magazine cover, good. Baby breast
feeding, bad.
Get over it lalache-phobes, the
1950's are gone and they aren't coming back. And while I agree, it would
be nice to come home from work greeted by my wife in an apron and high heels,
breast feeding mothers should not be treated like pariahs. Tender, juggy
pariahs. Nobody is asking you to put breast milk on your cocoa-puffs, or
watch hotel specrta-vision porno-lite. At worst, what I am asking you to
do is answer your kids questions about it when they see it at the mall.
DOB 9/21/2006
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